We see children as unique and competent individuals, who have the right to be respected, kept safe and given a chance to develop their own interests, skills and ideas with confidence. The staff will work alongside your child to actively promote their learning through valuable and challenge activities.
We acknowledge that the family are the child's first carers and educators and therefore their views and knowledge of their own child is paramount in ensuring that we are able to provide the best possible care. We would like both the children and their families to feel safe and confident here at Westside Pre-school and to enable us to achieve this we have worked hard to ensure we have robust settling-in procedures and parent and partnership policies. We strive to develop positive, mutually respectful relationships with each family member, as we work in partnership to achieve the best outcomes for all. We believe that working in partnership with families is central to ensuring continuity and progression in a child's learning, development, and future success.
We believe that the children will flourish in their learning in this happy safe and secure atmosphere. The planning programme promotes the children's desire to learn and engage their curiosity and develops skills and confidence needed to enable their independence which in turn helps them form a good education.